Automated Difficult Person and Conflict Check of Applicant

This new feature is set up to help alert you to the possibility of the person being a Difficult Person or a Conflict. It does not (and should not) replace any methods or procedures your organization has in place for a thorough check of Difficult Person or Conflicts. 

Within the Callback, Eligibility, and Client pages, when a new name is entered (or an existing name is changed) for the Applicant/Client, Prime will automatically check that name against existing name entries in the Difficult Person table as well as the adverse party in the Conflict table. For Online Intake, the checks are performed each time a record is opened, since the Applicant's name is not typically entered by staff.

If the Applicant/Client's name appears in one or both, special notes will appear. If the person's name appears exactly in the Difficult Person table, the first and last name will be highlighted in yellow. A button will appear after the name showing "Diff Person?". Clicking that button will bring up the Difficult Person search screen to find more information.

If the person's name (or a diminutive first name such as 'Dick' for 'Richard') appears as an Adverse Party in the Conflict table, the first and last name will be highlighted in red. A button will appear after the name showing "Conflict?". Clicking that button will bring up the Conflict Check screen.

Bear in mind that diminutive names are used and may have to be substituted to see the apparent conflict. To find more information about the name of the Adverse party that has caused the flag, hover your mouse over the first or last name of the Applicant/Client to see the records that were found: