New Changes in the 2023-05-15 version of Prime 16 Web

These changes have been made to improve the functionality of Prime. To find your current version of Prime 16 Web, see the Version Information page.

Changes made:

Modify the master Main Menu so the Search → Other appears up at same level and does not run off the bottom.

Update TimeBatch form so editing portion shows much cleaner and smaller.

Add Dashboard to Main Menu → Report dropdown. This has the Advocate, Office, Unit, and Program Director tabs for easy use.

Add "Download" option to Client Search screen. Once data is shown as desired, the context menu option to Download may be used to download an Excel sheet showing the same data.

The home screen will now periodically scan for errors in the system. If a user has error checking enabled and has errors, an error message will appear at the bottom of the screen informing the user of the number of errors and offering a link to fix them.

Prior Changes:

2023-05-03 Changes