New Changes in the 2023-06-20 version of Prime 16 Web

These changes have been made to improve the functionality of Prime. To find your current version of Prime 16 Web, look on the staff Login page (see the Version Information page for more information).

Changes made:

Time batch form has the delete button shown again.

Error checking is updated to run faster and smoother when a user is logging on.

Automated error checking will occur while in the home screen and will show as a message at the top of the screen.

Case notes that have a hard return (vbCrLf) are changed to <br /> for display purposes.

Lawyers input page now shows the number of cases and hours on the case list grid.

Copy Case Notes and Move Case Notes (from a Client's Case Notes) now include a progress indicator (to indicate the system is working on it) and a "Return to Case Notes" button for ease in use.

A copy of the Eligibility Record is placed in PDF format in Document Tracking when the Poverty % button is clicked to maintain a record of entries at the time for historical records.

The delete button in Document Tracking now confirms you want to delete before performing the deletion.

Prior Changes:

2023-05-15 Changes

2023-05-03 Changes

2023-03-22 Changes

2023-03-21 Changes