New Changes in the 2023-09-05 version of Prime 16 Web

These changes have been made to improve the functionality of Prime. To find your current version of Prime 16 Web, look on the staff Login page (see the Version Information page for more information).

Changes made:

Download time in Search Staff Time form.

O365 Calendar Sync has been updated to work with the newest Microsoft OAuth requirements

Junk/Bad Online Intake entries can be deleted. Click in the "pending" box next to the item to see additional options.

The Eligibility conflict list has "Delete" buttons now to remove bad/misentered conflict entries at the Eligibility slip.

The Clients Case Notes View page has a new "See All Notes" button that will quickly show all notes (from years 1900 to 2100).

Behind the scene updates to many supporting items (e.g., newer IPAddressRange options, updated Email systems, etc.).

Prior Changes:

2023-08-08 Changes

2023-06-20 Changes

2023-05-15 Changes

2023-05-03 Changes

2023-03-22 Changes

2023-03-21 Changes